Innocent Intimacy – 5 steps to enter it instantly

Innocent Intimacy – 5 steps to enter it instantly

My blog today is a vlog!

It has been a while, I know.
I’ve been so busy with all other area’s of my work. Making lot’s of people happy with my work and learned a few new things myself!

But here I am!
I will share with you the beautiful topic of Innocent Intimacy through my very first video.
So, I hope I will be excused for all things that can be better 🙂
I bet ya I will improve. I just wanted to share with you what can give you a good access into your own Innocence & Intimacy. With a video it’s easier than just through reading words.

I have fun not listening too much to my perfectionist and ‘just’ put it out.
Courageous me, don’t you think?
Love to learn the finesses as I go.
And I want to practice my ‘don’t get it perfect, get it going’.
I think it’s important to go with what what makes you feel alive!
This is.

And you know, the topic is so beautiful! So, I hope you feel me loving sharing it with you as I guide you through the 5 steps of entering instantly the space of Innocent Intimacy.

I recorded it on Ibiza.
I have been on the magical island for over 2 months recently, working and connecting. An island to love, of love. I will be there more and more.
And two of the workshops I gave was on Innocent Intimacy. I did one this time together with Shashi Solluna. We had a sweet space of melting into the depth of Innocent Intimacy with a group of lovely Ibiza people, them being grateful for being able to tap into a divine connection.

I also gave a short version of my workshop Love to Love – Innocent Intimacy and Sacred Sexuality.
This workshop is one of my favorites because it is so fully inclusive.
You will be hearing more about it.

I like to bring people the perspective of innocence as who they are.
The pureness within, the open space, the open unfolding of intimacy from there… feeling it all, not just ‘understanding it all’.

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 Check out the retreat Wild Surrender & Soul Sexy august 27-30.
A place to awaken from a place of Innocence your Loving, Sexy and Powerful self.


We are innocent beings.
Innocent Intimacy is basicly what I call the basics of my work: we are all innocent beings at our core and it is beautiful and a feeling of coming home, just to tap into that space of our true essence. Underneath all our personalities and our issues, we are innocent. Even our ‘crazyness’ comes from that place: everything is an act of love, or a cry for love. (I think Marianne Williamson is quoted freely here, this is how I always say it. The dark wants to become light again and again. Like the night turning into day over and over again. And you only have to follow it, you don’t have to ‘work it’.)

Innocence and Love.
If we come from that space, we can be anything, do everything, move from our core & honesty, live all of who we are. (Yes, also our full sexuality)
We then are the radiant truth. And we love it. Inside us, it relaxes in a very deep way, our cells come at ease: we come home in our bodies and in ourselves.
From there, we can connect in a very deep way. The depth of the intimacy we long for.

The 5 steps to enter instantly the space of Innocent Intimacy.

In the video I share about the 5 steps into Innocent Intimacy and take you through them.
And the importance is, is to be able to become totally intimate, without loosing yourself into someone else…



Soon, August 27-30, there will be an amazing opportunity to explore your Innocent Intimacy in the retreat I’ll give together with De’an Matuka:
Wild Surrender & Soul Sexy.
Curious? Welcome. Read more about this beautiful & powerful event! 
Enrol while you still can!



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