header FAQ Veelgestelde Vragen Academie voor Liefhebben Sandra Pijl
Is the Love Art Academy of Lovingness for men and women?


And with good reason: It’s good practice to learn from and with each other. A new age is dawning. Men are ready for a Next Step. Women are ready for a Next Step. Within the dynamics between men and women we are exploring new ways of relating. There is a screaming need for just that! Sometimes I offer special programs for men, or special programs for women. After all, we are put together differently and we often have different questions, different things to learn.
And it’s good to explore some things with ‘same sexe’ people. Experience bonding. Find recognition. In addition it’s good to learn ‘from each other’, to know what makes men and women tick, what drives them, what they stand for. This helps in furthering mutual understanding and kindness. And it furthers the dynamics between the sexes. At the same time, Lovingness is universal and both men and women want nothing better than to become Love-Adepts and to awaken the True Lover inside (more).

I can hardly spend the time for 'normal' loving. How much time and attention would I need to spend for Lovingness?

I don’t normally echo platitudes but this one is true: What you pay attention to grows. If Lovingness sounds important to you and makes your heart giddy, it’s a joy to spend time and attention on it.

Yes… I know you have a busy life. Or you just can’t get around to more and deeper Lovingness. This is why you think something like: “Holy moly, how am I going to do all that…?” The thing is… the True Lover in you is already there. But to allow the True Lover to thrive, to really blossom, we need to bring it some water. Attention.
That’s what makes the True Lover in you happy, because True Lovers make different choices. Choices that are more attuned to their deepest desires, their love, their mission, their heart. To really connect with this, you need a mind-shift. Or better yet, a heart-shift.

Within the Love Art Academy of Lovingness you’re going to get to know the True Lover indie better and learn to integrate this awareness in your daily life, with a minimum of effort. Part of that is that you will learn to appreciate the things that are already part of your life more. And you’re going to start spending less time on things that you find less important at the same time.

Sounds logical and good?

And yes, it does take some effort. My mother always told me ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch’. And just this once, she was right. It all starts with you, is what I always say. The same holds true in this. Whether you go one step at a time or dive headlong into this material doesn’t really matter.

Explicitly: You are going to do something daily that has to do with Lovingness.

It doesn’t have to take much time at all. It will take a more focussed attention. But hey, that’s where the benefit starts as well. You will get good Lovingness experiences right way.
Can’t beat that!

If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got.

Lovingness in a workshop... erm... does that involve getting naked?

The naked truth, baring your soul, uncovering your self.

There are many such sayings that refer to the vulnerability of being naked.

In whichever form this takes, we’re always very careful and safe with this.

Most workshops and programs don’t involve taking your clothes off. Those that do are clearly marked ‘Partially dressed or Clothes optional’. Sometimes it’s better not to wear a bulky sweater, like in massage or exercises. You never have to do something you don’t want to do. It’s all about you and the safety of the group is paramount. Quite often I create a ‘touchable’ atmosphere… whether it’s something you take home to practice with, or in a group or individual session.

If your drive is to be naked (without clothes) in the company of others from a place of need, this is not the place to do so.
You will not get what you want out of the experience.

Do you have a disclaimer and is it important?

Yes, I have a disclaimer and it’s very important.
It sais that exploring Lovingness is at your own risk.

Being a True Lover is a way of being in life that involves taking risks.
My warning is that it can seriously improve your daily life.

Every exercise, insight and tip is for the participants themselves to implement and ‘do the right thing with it’.
If you are unsure wether an exercise is fit for your body or psyche, be sure to consult a physician about it. I don’t give medical advice. If you are considering stopping medication or medical treatment, plese consult your physician about it and only do so under his or her supervision. If your lifestyle changes considerably, speak to your physician about it.

The advice the Love Art Academy of Lovingness gives, come from a thorough background involving study, literature, own experiences and the experiences of countless other True Lovers. You are and will always be responsible for your own choices at all times.


*** note about pictures:

I chose the pictures for this site attentively and could not trace all photographers. Please email me if you see some work of your hand and we’ll get back to you on the use of them.  ***

Some boring but important things.

The websites and any part thereoff, excepting certain hyperlinks are the exclusive property of Sandra Pijl of www.sandrapijl.nl
Publishing, copying or storing the site or any part of the site without the express written consent of Sandra Pijl is prohibited. Let’s keep it friendly… Just contact me and you’ll see it get’s more fun that way.

The information contained on this site is carefully prepared and selected. However it is possible that the information is incomplete or incorrect.

The information on the site is updated regularly. Sandra Pijl reserves the right to change any and all parts of the site instantly and without prior notice.

I will do my best to fulfill the expectations you might have when purchasing a service or program. At each offer there’s information about it included.

Allthough Sandra Pijl works hard to prevent any misuse, she’s not liable in case users of the internet should spread information through the internet.

Sandra Pijl does not accept any liability regarding any direct or indirect damage of whatever kind, that springs from or in any way is related to the use of the website.

Terms and conditions

As a rule of thumb, I appeal to common sense and sensitivity as a basis voor my terms and conditions. Other than that pretty much everything is covered by law.

With every product listed on the Love Art Academy of Lovingness the terms and conditions for payment are included at the introductory text.

Generally speaking:

Below here will be listed the additional terms and conditions.


Sandra Pijl is... Puja Love.

Stay tuned for her new website and events under her new name and branding coming Spring 2018!

Create your
juiceful high quality
life & love

Let your intimate powers lead you.
Thrive in all aspects of your life


More english?
But I keep speaking and working in dutch and in Holland as well!
Feel welcome.

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