1 op 1 VIP
Go deeper into 1 or more of the 5 aspects of Lovingness with INDIVIDUAL VIP ATTENTION.
For Very Interested Persons!
- Bring it on
joy for life, desire and pleasure
- Me & You
man-hood and woman-hood
- Love & Feel that body
body awareness
- Connect & Go Deep
experiencing intimacy and being close and connected
- Making Love to Life
sensitivity, sensuality, sexuality
You choose which aspect you wish to start with, whichever is more connected to your question of whichever attracts you the most for this moment.
All the attention is for you!
Very Interested?
All aspects influence each other. That’s why it’s not important where you start, allthough the order isn’t exactly random either.
Wherever you start, you’re guaranteed to encounter beautiful surprises.
Single sessions or the VIP-FIVE?
Have your choice from 2 menu’s:
– Book up to three single Skype sessions
– Book de VIP-FIVE
with as an introduction a free 30 minute extra session!
Per session introductory price:
€ 99
VIP-FIVE now at the introductory price of:
€ 449
! plus one free 30 minute extra session
Note: It’s possible to book more than one session on the same day.
This would make it a VIP morning or afternoon. Diving Deep. Remember to book on time though.
Be sure to jump on this offer, because the sessions are moving fast.
There’s a maximum capacity of 10 people for the month of November!
After the first month prices are bound to go up, this is a limited time only offer!
Interested in an individual VIP session?
I look forward to answering all your questions.
Use as subject in the e-mail: Individual VIP session
1 op 1 vip dag
… an entire day in the VIP mode.
1 on 1 or together
A Lovingness VIP day!
A day with attentiveness and kindness. Delving deep into where you, or you and your partner together, are ‘at’ at this moment in the spectrum of Lovingness and where you want to be.
Investigating and diving deep, cleaning out the old, inspiration, doing and creating the future.
An invitation to give yourself or both of you a day in which you can let go completely and (finally) dive more deeply into Lovingness. Done in such a way that you will carry the happiness into your daily life as well!
The whole day is tailormade just for you (both)… It’s about your needs and about where you are at in the process. I take care of a fitting program and help you move along on your journey of becoming a love-adept.
The next step.
VIP attention!
Very Interested?
Now with an attractive introductory price!
€ 449
A Lovingness VIP day is done on location.
! includes a Skype session after the VIP day
(excluding travel or accomodation expenses)
Time: from 10 to 17 or from 13 to 20
Be sure to book quickly because the VIP day is first come first serve.
There are a maximum of 5 VIP days available until November and after this prices will go up. So be sure to book quickly to take advantage of this introductory offer!
Interested in a VIP day?
I look forward to answering your questions about it.
Click the link below!