Workshops Estonia november: The Body Divine & Come Close

5 & 6 november
Tallinn Estonia
FB man:woman heart to heart (bigger)


A journey into Divine Embodiment, Bliss and Power

In co teaching with Eugene Hedlund.Embodiment is the one thing we need to fully experience life, love and being that ‘real man’ or ‘real woman’.
Welcome home to your body temple. Invite yourself to be playful and honor every part and aspect of it!

So often we get stuck in our heads.
Again and again we think all answers come from there.
All our relationships have common sense in our minds.
All our love is being directed from it.
Sexuality is something to think through.


Our Bodies know.
It is an intelligent system, all that we are is in it.
Gives us signals, we can feel.
In this weekend we go deep deep into the body, so we learn to trust it again.
We become more sensitive. More powerful.
More alive. More sexual. More real.


The Body Knows
~ Sandra Pijl


This weekend we will explore many aspects of our physical and energetic body and discover how we may experience:

☆ deep states of Bliss,
☆ openings into the divine,
☆ empowered connection with our sexual nature
☆ heart opening to give an receive the love you yearn for
☆ insights of where life wants to take you
☆ capacity to stay present with desire while honoring your boundaries

It will be all about:
Expressing your body through dance
Relaxing your Body through touch & massage
Honoring your body through rituals
Feeling your body through the senses
Opening the body through sexuality
Owning your male – female body through allowing
Expanding your body through meditation & consciousness
Empower your body through playful bodywork
Connecting your body through love
Feel your body through sensitivity and sensuality

We will:
*Release shame and learn to love the skin you are in
*Discover how creative sexual energy can power your heart
*Increase your capacity to feel
*Honor your body as a channel of life force energy
*Honor your sexuality as a gateway to your divinity
*Find courage and power in vulnerability
*Create more space to give and receive love
*Enjoy the dance of aliveness, the silence of consciousness

A full experience to take home which touches all aspects of your life

This weekend you will become intimately familiar with your own body and you will leave knowing yourself better than ever. Liberated and grounded. Uplifted and deepened. Deeply connected to yourself and to others.

We will make use of various meditations, inquiry, bodywork, tantric structures and rituals, sexual awareness, dance, celebration

It will be a deep and ecstatic experience with an invitation from the heart to surrender to the miracle of your body.

5th-6th November 2016
City Yoga Studio, Niine 11, Tallinn
Saturday 10.00-22.00
Sunday 10.00-18.00

Price for couples
Until 1 october 180€
until 1 november 200€
Later on 220 €

Price includes prepayment (45 €) , which we ask you to pay transfer (see below), the remaining amount will be paid cash on site.

Registration: and transfer prepayment 90 (45€, non-repayable) Loomenaudingurõõm OÜ EE112200221056382849, Please indicate “divine body
” and participant’s name on the payment.
Further information: or +372 524 0468

Events will be led in English and translated to Estonian.

Sandra Pijl – Ma Prem Puja
Founder & True Lover at Love Art Academy. As a Sensualista and Tantric teacher, she passionately guided many men and women to get into their fullness, heart & power of their masculine & feminine core. She showed them a way to an empowered and embodied life: spirited, fulfilling, intimate.
She teaches in workshops, retreats, festivals and private sessions.

She has been a Tantrika for over 18 years, worked as a holistic psychotherapist & counselor. She loves to deepen the Art of Loving and Conscious, Sacred and Energetic Sexuality.
With her rich experiences as a careful girl, wild woman and wise lady, she brings a Soulful & Soulsexy way to touch people with her high quality work and with her loving and sparkling personality.

How does essence lead a daily life? The answer she found: by being a True Lover and living a Tantric Life.
Sandra is the creator of Tantric Temple Parties.
Based on Ibiza and The Netherlands, she’s traveling and working all over the globe.
To see the lights get turned on in the eyes & bodies of men and women is what thrives her. Her gateway to divine aliveness, peace and love.

Eugene Hedlund
is an accredited 5 Rhythms teacher and founder of the School of Tribal Tantra He is based in San Diego, California and teaches 5 Rhythms and Tribal Tantra workshops throughout the US and in Europe.



Come Close

Come Close -



A direct way into deeper intimacy & relating
A deepening and delightful weekend for couples.

We want to connect deeply and more intimate in our relationships.
We want to really meet each other.
Love each other. Have a beautiful sexual relationship together.

Most people in relationships come across difficulties every now and then. And often, they feel the need to talk things through, trying to understand the problem, wanting to be understood. Talking seems to help….until the problem re-occurs… despite the good intentions. After a while, this can be very disencouraging.

When your desire is to feel deeply connected, to go beyond struggle, to overcome the distance and to genuinely enjoy each other (again), you need to find other ways to intimacy.

To be real. To enjoy beautiful sexual connection. To feel relaxed and in flow together. To enjoy deep intimacy, and to feel the attraction (again).

This weekend we focus on returning to sensitivity and the dynamics of attraction.
✥ The vulnerable (and often hurt) heart that wants to open
✥ Our bodies, easily reacting with withdrawal or contraction
✥ Rediscover how it feels to be woman, man
✥ Rediscover how you can feel wildly attracted to each other again, without tricks or too many words
✥ Drop the ’stories’ that have become a barrier between you and enjoy deep, heartfelt connection. From man to woman

Human Design stole my heart and gives deep insights. It shows us the blueprint of how we are designed, being a unique individual. Human Design is a system that gives us self knowledge and ultimately self love. The Human Design System is a synthesis of Genetic science and ancient wisdom including I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra model and other profound mystical wisdoms.

Human Design offers many insights on who we are individually, socially, sexually and how we relate to others. In this weekend we offer a short introduction on Human Design. If you want, we can look at the Human Design dynamics between you and your partner.

This weekend, we will do a beautiful ritual to honour and thank the old patterns between you and your partnership(s). We will invite new loving ways to see, feel and approach each other.

You can bring a long term partner, a lover or someone else (from the opposite sex) who you want to be close with.

This weekend we will speak from what lives inside of us, rather than talking about things. We will work with various ways of communication that keeps us connected, open and sensitive. To stay with your truth. We will focus on connecting, with a number of ways that will stimulate you to be true in the moment. We will work with the power of sexuality, the most basic life energy available. When this energy is blocked, the relationship suffers. In this workshop we invite the sexual energy to flow freely and to make you feel fully alive. A transformational weekend!

You will learn various Tantric techniques and communication skills that are geared towards intimacy and solid connection with your partner. You will learn not to take things personally, while keeping the connection.
You will feel deeply connected to yourself and your partner.
You will feel more lively, juicy and delighted. Have more fun, intimacy and sexual flow of energy.
Everything is perfectly applicable at home, to make your daily live more delicious!

The course will be led in English and translated to Estonian.

Sandra Pijl – Ma Prem Puja
Founder & True Lover at Love Art Academy. As a Sensualista and Tantric teacher, she passionately guided many men and women to get into their fullness, heart & power of their masculine & feminine core. She showed them a way to an empowered and embodied life: spirited, fulfilling, intimate.
She teaches in workshops, retreats, festivals and private sessions.

She has been a Tantrika for over 18 years, worked as a holistic psychotherapist & counselor. She loves to deepen the Art of Loving and Conscious, Sacred and Energetic Sexuality.
With her rich experiences as a careful girl, wild woman and wise lady, she brings a Soulful & Soulsexy way to touch people with her high quality work and with her loving and sparkling personality.

How does essence lead a daily life? The answer she found: by being a True Lover and living a Tantric Life.
Sandra is the creator of Tantric Temple Parties.
Based on Ibiza and The Netherlands, she’s traveling and working all over the globe.
To see the lights get turned on in the eyes & bodies of men and women is what thrives her. Her gateway to divine aliveness, peace and love.

12th-13th November2016
City Yoga Studio, Niine 11, Tallinn
Saturday 10.00-21.00
Sunday 10.00-18.00

Price for couples
Until 1 october 2×180€
until 1 noveber 2×200€
Later on 2×220 €

Price includes prepayment (2×45 €) , which we ask you to pay transfer (see below), the remaining amount will be paid cash on site.
Registration: and transfer prepayment 90 (2×45€, non-repayable) Loomenaudingurõõm OÜ EE112200221056382849, Please indicate “Sandra nov”
” and participant’s name on the payment.
Further information: or +372 524 0468

Events will be led in English and translated to Estonian.