header Lovelife Academie voor Liefhebben Sandra Pijl


Love yourself, life and another

Imagine being capable of complete happiness and being fulfilled all by yourself.
Imagine you’re brimming with happiness and being able to connect with someone else, wherever your want.
Imagine you can enjoy life in all it’s glory and colorful diversity.
Your desires springing from abundance rather than from need.
You’re living your lovelife from a place of knowing you have so much to give and to be able to really receive the gifts of others.
Imagine you don’t settle for anything less.
You make goofy mistakes and have fun with them.
You dare to explore everything you’re curious about.
Imagine you relax. Into what is.

That’s what Lovingness has put into ‘LoveLife’.

Rocking this thing called LoveLife

The Art of Lovingness.
Is the Art of Living.

The goal of life is rapture. Art is the way we experience it.
~ Joseph Campbell

Imagine yourself:
Living your ideal LoveLife
What does it look like? Today.
Then look again tomorrow…



Sandra Pijl is... Puja Love.

Stay tuned for her new website and events under her new name and branding coming Spring 2018!

Create your
juiceful high quality
life & love

Let your intimate powers lead you.
Thrive in all aspects of your life


More english?
But I keep speaking and working in dutch and in Holland as well!
Feel welcome.

Discover the True Lover in you!

Free Tips & Love coming your way
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LoveLife Button Academie voor Liefhebben Sandra Pijl

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